Assholes Inc – anti-reputation management
Jeg faldt lige over dette morsomme indlæg på – her tilbydes anti-reputation management med den illustrative tag-line: “We’ll F@%k up the competition”.
Nu er dette indlæg ganske vist en joke, men … Som han også skriver, så er det ikke umuligt, at købe den slags services hvis du har penge nok 🙂
Dave skriver
Hi there Mikkel, glad you enjoyed my little bit of fun. As with any humor there is always a grain of truth and I kept that cynical thought in my head when writing it. I had come across some folks talking about the potential for such nastiness and it motivated the post. Sadly, there is likely a few companies that do this… even if it isn’t advertised as such….. sigh…
Anyway, thanks for the mention… and glad U had some fun with it.
Dave (aka theGypsy)
Mikkel deMib Svendsen skriver
Thanks for dropping by, Dave! And yes, it was funny but also as you said something that does actually already take place. Its just not advertised as blatantly as Assholes Inc 🙂