Det er en gammel sandhed, at det er langt mere troværdigt og overbevisende, at lade andre bedømme dig, dit virke og dine produkter eller serviceydelser, end at gøre det selv.
Jeg er så heldig, at der igennem tiden er mange gode kunder, kollegaer og samarbejdspartnere, som har sagt nogle rigtig pæne ting om mig. På denne side har jeg samlet et lille udpluk af gode citater.
I et internationalt marked med stærk konkurrence er det vigtigt, at være meget omhyggelig med alle detaljer. Med Mikkel har vores team fået den erfaring og support de har brug for i det daglige arbejde med optimering af vores mange sites.
Ejer - FormulaSwiss CBD olie
Vi havde aldrig rigtig arbejdet struktureret med SEO, og derfor var vores synlighed i Google også meget lille. Mikkel har hjulpet os med at lave et helt nyt og meget bedre site og vi har store forventninger til resultaterne.
Ejer - Elitag
I arbejdet med optimere vores webshop og øge vores online salg - særligt af de populære havekrukker, har Mikkel været en stor hjælp. Både optimering af websitet, kampagneoptimering og ikke mindst SEO har været vigtige elementer i vores vækst.
Ejer, keramiker - Christian Bruun CPH (keramik)
Mikkel is the most skilled SEO I have ever met. On top of that, Mikkel is very creative and never borring!
CEO - Dinero
Vi har med Mikkel som SEO-rådgiver oplevet en fremgang i Google på flere hundrede procent. Det er et imponerende resultat i et ellers meget konkurrencepræget market.
CEO - Flypenge
Mikkel is one of those guys you look up to when you're new in the SEO / SEM business, and later on, when you have a bit more experience and a lot of those old "heroes" turned out to be normal people, Mikkel is still up there, seemingly knowing more then you'll ever know...
Founder - Yoast
Inkassomarkedet er meget konkurrencepræget. Det gør det svært at trænge igennem som inkassofirma og blive synlig på Google. Med Mikkel som SEO-rådgiver får vi den strategiske og praktiske hjælp med SEO der skal til, at skabe resultater.
Direktør - Debtia
Zanca Sonne driver webshop i Danmark og Sverige. Mode- og tøjbranchen er en meget dynamisk branche. Vi lancerer nye kollektioner hver eneste måned. Det stiller særligt store krav til den digitale markedsføring - ikke mindst SEO. Med Mikkels hjælp er vi kommet på rette spor. Kompetent og dedikeret rådgivning som vi er meget glade for.
Ejere - Zanca Sonne
Mikkel and I have worked together in the search and web marketing field for almost two decades, and in that time, I've always found his advice and input to be superbly actionable and consistently convention-defying (two of my favorite traits).
Founder (prev Moz) - SparkToro
Best SEO guy in town... or continent probably. OldSchool and with hands-on experience but always up-to-date due to his worldwide personal network in the business. In addition to that a super nice guy with heart and soul. Would trust him with any online project in a heartbeat.
CoFounder and CEO - RobinHus
Dansk SEO ekspert i verdensklasse! Jeg har på kundesiden, arbejdet i en årrække med Mikkel DeMib som leverandør af SEO og SEM ydelser til en stor international virksomhed. Mikkel ved hvad han taler om!
Kommunikationsrådgiver - Grøn Kommunikation
I have have known Mikkel for most of my 20 years in Search Marketing and I consider him to be one of the most knowledgeable and technical Search Marketers. He is one of the first people I reach out to when I am stuck on a problem. He and I have spoken at conferences around the world on some of the most complex technical issues of search and I learn from him each time. I have referred clients to him and his Agency Team at Waimea Digital and will continue to do so. He shares his wealth of knowledge at conferences and through his brilliant radio show and podcast StrikePoint where he did deep into the real world of search with no fluff. If you need to understand the complexities of Search Marketing and Technical SEO Mikkel is the person to help!
President - Back Azimuth
One word - legend.
President - RustyBrick
I worked together with Mikkel deMib to solve some SEO issues. It was a pleasure working with such a honest person. Mikkels SEO principles is based on some pure fundamental ground rules. Sort of KISS: Keep It Simple Stupid. I like that. I can only give Mikkel deMib my best recommendations.
Founder (ex) - DanDomain
I have enjoyed Mikkel's insights at conferences around the world for well over a decade. His knowledge of search, combined with an infectious zest for testing out ideas makes him one of the pioneers of the SEO industry. His advice is based on a sound understanding of information retrieval.
Mikkel is the best SEO professional that I've every worked with, he is professional and also very good at looking at a website through the eyes of the user.
Founder - Vivino
Mikkel deMib knows ALL there is to know about search and SEO. And he combines this knowledge with good understanding of the challenges that web 2.0 introduces to organizations. Mikkel shares ideas and thoughts willingly on his personal blog which is always enjoyable to read. Mikkel also has a great sense of humor AND he knows how to wear yellow sunglasses and red suits with style!
Founder -
Mikkel is an true expert - and always in my mind for new ventures and ideas. One of the few real people - you trust and take advise from in his field.
CEO - Poshtel Partnerships